Super Bloom

Hello everyone, I've been busy this past month with school and making new jewelry, so much fun has has happened, it almost Easter and I haven't done any cool craft with the kids hopefully before next weekend Ill have something to show you.

I did want to share with you a fun little adventure we had last Sunday. We left on Saturday evening and slept in our car just so we could spend all day at Death Valley National Park and see the beautiful Super Bloom the ground was full of yellow white and purple flowers and the twins loved it we got to tell show them a different place and they got to see a caterpillar for the first time. We also walked to a salt flat which is were their was a big body of water and it dried up and all that is left is salt that looks like snow. Death Valley is so beautiful we went on Artist Drive and saw the painters pallet, and we all so saw the sand dunes. The weather was nice and warm and the park did have a lot of people Im sure everyone wanted to see the Super Bloom. Overall the day trip was a success and then kids loved it, cant wait for the next adventure.


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