Finding my passion or lack of it....

I know I haven't been posting and I should be on a daily maybe as a diary but I've been in my head for the last cuple of weeks for many reasons than one..I've been trying I figure out why my passion is what I should be doing with my life rather than waiting around until my kids get older and I get older to do something. In know Martha didn't start her career until 40 or many artist didn't hit their peek until 50s. I am not saying I feel like a failure, but I don't feel I've accomplished what I should of I was doing so much after hight school working and going I school and meeting people but my lack of keeping connections and making follow ups and being organized got the best of me mostly procrastination..which is what I feel I did here I started this blog to make something of it and connect with people but I haven't and I feel so bummed about it. Now 2014 is almost over and I want so badly to find my passion and I feel like I enjoy to many things I love photography, baking, sewing, diy and so on I'll try it all and do it all but I need to take care of my kids and the lack of job dosent help one bit.What should I do? what can I do? That will give me the satisfaction and joy I look for everyday and also brings the bacon home for 2015 I hope I can do just that oneDae at time for my kids and myself

I you feel the same or felt the same at one point feel free to share I know it's not nice to feel alone 



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