Road Trip..Mommy Guilt Confessions

Taking a road trip to Mammoth Lakes this weekend hopefully the kids don't miss us too much. One thing that I never realized as a new mom would happen was mommy guilt, leaving my twins isint easy specially when I'm with them everyday 24hrs a day, I've only left then twice before on a trip to florida and on a backpacking trip in October 2014. I don't work because I don't want to feel like Im abadoning them and I don't like to go on mom and dad trips because of the pressure of feeling bad and that no one will take care of them the way I do.But today I trying to feel more relaxed only because I realized I'm not just mom I am Debbie and before my wonderful life now I had my own needs and aspirations to travel and do things with my partner. So as in write this while on the road and my kids are sleeping in with my momma I will try not to worry or feel guilty about being gone for 3 days. And I know come sunday when I arrive home I will run to my babies and hug them with all my might and kiss them until them get sick of me.  Here's to no mommy guilt and taking a few days to being us for a little bit


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