Watermelon mint popsicles

   On Saturday we took a trip down to ikea because we needed cups and because I love ikea. I saw they had this really cute popcicle molds and I just gravbed them, last year I made my first attempt at making ice pops and I didn't have molds and used Dixie cups and wooden sticks it was nice strawberry flavor. So this morning I decided to make my favorite drink into an ice pop Watermelon mint yumm!
I used my ninja blender 
Half a small watermelon cut into chunks 
Salt, sugar, limon, mint

1/2 small watermelon
1/4 sugar
Tsp sald
1 limon 
A few mint leaves 
I used a cup of water but you can use as much as you like

Add everything in the blender. Blend all ingredients together, and pour into molds 

Side note
* I zested the limon a bit before cutting it open. 


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