Rainy Day Craft

It's raining finally, I love days when you can relax and keep warm while the rain just cleans everything a new. So much for relaxing I hand twins to keeps busy. I've been wanting to make play clay for some time or some sort of clay. I found a perfect recipe and perfect day like today to make it and it was easy
1 cup baking soda 
1/2 cup cornstarch 
2/3 warm water 
I used a nonstick pot, I added baking soda and cornstarch first then the warm water and turned on the heat and boiled everything until smooth, after a a minute the consistency turned that of boxed mashed potatoes that didn't have enough water. I turned off the heat and let cool before transferring to partchment paper kneed the play clay to cool before diving between the kids.

So much fun I want to make more and add color to the clay or just paint.


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