What I Learned Crafting with Kids (5 tips)

This will be my first tip post and what better way to start than with crafting with kids. First off let me start with how long I've been crafting and where exactly my love for it came about. The first memory of crafting was in Elementary School for the holidays we made paper ornaments, I don't remember too well how we made them but I just know I was very happy. Its that lovely memory of that day that anytime we had craft time I was happy. I'm thinking maybe it was because my mom was there and she got really into the event too.

1. Pintrest

If you don't really craft don't worry so much Pintrest has an a plethora of kid friendly crafting ideas and anyone can do with not many materials

2. Gather materials

You don't have to spend a lot of money to make your children happy it's really the time you spend with them, I usually always buy everything at my local dollar store but if you want more options Michael's but I never go without a coupon.

3 lay down a tarp

Whether your outside or inside make sure you lay down something it will help with clean up and also prevent any accidents and headaches. plus being messy is part of being a kid.

4. Make a sample for the kids

It's really up to the kids how they want to make their project but I believe it helps them to see and understand better when they can see it up lose and it can possibly help you determine how easy or hard it can be for them.

5 participate and encourage

I know your probably thinking I know this already, but it's easy to just let the kids do the project alone and you can have mommy time, but honestly talking to them interacting while they're minds are creating is the best maybe this are the moments they will remember the most and shape them.

Now go have some crafty fun with the little ones


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