My Holiday tradition

I've been baking for about 15 years my and it was because of a lovely lady named Alice, she was a homemaker no kids so sweet loved Soap Operas (she introduced me to all my children) and she used to babysit  my little sister. Every year she would bake cookies and give them out for Christmas. When I was old enough to use a stove and oven I asked her if I could help her, I had such a lovely time and fell in love with baking she gave me her recepie and I've had it ever since. They have become popular with my friend and family and over the years my tradition I hope my children will love.

2 1/2 cups flour 
1tsp salt
1tsp baking soda 
1 cup light brown sugar
1/2 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 cup shortening 
In a medium bowl add flour, baking soda and salt. When I first started baking I didn't have a stand mixer and I use a hand mixer. Add both sugars,add one egg at a time mix well add vanilla. Then add the shorting. When all is incorporated I add the m&ms and mix by hand so not to break the candies. Bake a t 350 for 10-15 min I like golden brown also depends on your oven. Let cool and enjoy! 


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